Al onze bestemmingen in Tanzania

Al onze bestemmingen in Tanzania

Autoverhuur in Tanzania

na danou zemi jsem byl spokojený_ pří vyzvednutí byla ale prázdná nádrž !
They gave us really useful information when picking up the car_ we are very grateful for it. It would be a good idea to mention information related to issuing a vehicle driving permit in the vehicle information. (US $15 must be added to vehicle driving permit issuance)
Tutto perfetto e molto puntuale e una realtà più complicata di altre (Tanzania/Zanzibar) è stato tutto molto lineare e senza alcun problema..
At first the car at airport was not what I had requested - however the representative brought me to the office and exchanged it Thanks
Super spoločnosť_ vozidlo bolo na letisku pripravené na prevzatie včas_ čisté a v dobrom technickom stave. Personál bol ochotný pomôcť aj s kúpou dátovej karty - Milý a ochotný. Odovzdanie bolo v dohodnutom čase aj napriek skorým ranným hodinám (1:00). Vysoká profesionalita_ odporúčam využiť ich služby.

8,41 / 10


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