Minden úti célunk Libanon

Minden úti célunk Libanon

Autóbérlés Libanon

شركة تحترم زبائنها وأشكر السيد بسام على لطفه وخلقه الرفيع في التعامل مع الزبائن
I am always visiting beirut and renting cars and i can say this was the best car rental experiencw they upgraded my car and was ontime welcoming me and supporting me all the time specially leina was very kind and supported me without any delay i thank them from my heart and will rent only from them in my next visits
Very good
Everythinh was fast and easy. Very comfortable. I will use your services again. However for a small crash you fined me 75 USD.
Very good company nice service and people i had a good experience till soon!

9,28 / 10


112 értékelés alapján

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