Surprice Cars Car Rental Destinations in Romania

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Surprice Cars Car Rental in Romania

Den pris der fremgår_ når man booker bilen gennem jer_ er mangelfuld. Da vi ankommer for at afhente bilen_ er den uden forsikring og ender med at koste det tredobbelte. Det står ikke tydeligt i aftalen fra jer. Men bliver taget med bukserne nede. Det er ikke rimeligt.
very good experience_ would definately use them again. additional insurance recommended due to the standard of driving in Romania !
Very hard sell on additional insurance. To the extent that if you did not take it you would loose your €1100 deposit as they would find damage on car return.
πουθενά δεν είδα ότι θα χρειαστεί 1600 ευρώ από την κάρτα μου αν δεν πάρω ασφάλεια
They charged my credit card with the deposit fee and the money went out of the account instead of keeping the deposit without charge

Surprice Cars

8.46 / 10


Based on 16 ratings

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